Sunday 11 March 2012

On the above….
There is a close up image of Michael Jackson wearing sunglasses but you can tell he is staring straight into the camera. It also seems like he is smurking to the camera in a way, when I have been analysing magazines there has been either a serious face being pulled like the jay-Z one which I just analysed or like this Michael Jackson one where he is smurking at the camera. They both give different effects and give the magazine a different look, also it represents the sort of character who is on the front because it would looks silly if, for example, the Jay-Z cover which I just analysed would look silly and people wouldn’t be able to take it serious if it has Jay-Z himself having a massive smile on his face because people don’t associate him with being like a big happy person, he is thought of as a gangster, so if he had a massive smile on his face people wouldn’t be interested in buying the magazine because it is portraying the artist in the wrong way, he would look like a pop artist when he’s the opposite. When taking my photos I think I am going to have the person staring into the camera with him either a tensed up face or a relaxed one and I may have him put sunglasses on as I like the effect it has because even though you can’t see his eyes you know they’re looking at you.
The colour scheme which is used involves three colours: red, black and white. With every magazine I have analysed they have either went with a three or four number colour scheme, for example, the Jay-Z cover involved four colours which looked good, whereas this one has only has three colours involved but looks equally as good. At this moment in time I’m not sure whether to use three or four colours so when it comes to me creating my cover I will try out having both three and four colours involved and see which one looks better and then I will make my decision. I am also not sure yet to what colours I will be using but I will decide that when I am creating my cover.
The layout of this cover is just the same as many magazines as they have the image centralised and all the stories around it. I am not quite sure where I am going to have my image as I like the look of them when the image is centralised and also when it is over to one side. The thing in which I don’t like about this magazine is where they have the name of it, well I like where is actually is I just don’t like how they have put it on top of the artists head, so on my cover I am going to have the artists head covering half of it, well that is only if the image is so big it has to cover the name, but I will not be bothered if it does.
This cover just like most magazines has a banner running across the top but unlike the Q, Jay-Z magazine I analysed this banner is back to what most magazines do and brag about how good their magazine is, I am going to have a banner running across the top of the page as sometimes you have them along the bottom but mine will be bragging about how big and better than other magazines it is.

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