Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis of NME double page spread

On the above…
This spread is based on ‘The Teenagers. The left hand side of the page is dominated by a high angle shot of the band lying on a bed. This is a great photo I think because it brings out one of the stereotypes of teenagers being lazy and lying round the house all day doing nothing. Another thing I like about this picture is the posters which are behind the band on the wall. This seems like a typical teenager’s room by having all the posters of half-naked/naked women on the walls. Also I noticed that the bed covers look like an old women’s house’s bedroom as they look out dated and old fashioned. This is probably because they have been kicked out their own houses for being lazy and not getting a job so they have had to go and live with their  grans and have just completely taken over because if their granny seen this they would be truly shocked at what they were seeing. I do like the way in which they have planned and set up this scene for the photo because I like the story it tells and the pure stereotype it portrays.
The colour scheme for the written is again a white background with black written. This is because it has the biggest contrast as they are two colours completely opposite to each other which make the written very clear and easy to read. The main stand out colour on this page is bright blue because it stands out from both the picture, black written and the white background, so this was a really go choice as it catches readers eyes as there are different amounts of it on each part of the page. When using the blue they have used it as a background to other written which makes that bit of text stand out because of its importance and also its need to be seen, so the blue helps do both of this. I am going to go with an idea like this about having a block of colour to background some important text as I like the effect it gives and how it makes the page look.
In the text on this magazine they have started it with a drop down letter which is bigger than every other letter involved in the paragraph. They have decided only to go with one of these letters when in some magazines they have two but it doesn’t really make any difference all it does is show the start of the text/paragraph. It looks like they have ony went with two different styles of font which keeps it looking neat, in my opinion I think anything more than three fonts on a page looks very un-neat. They have also went with a ‘San Serif’ text style for both the title and the main text. In a lot of cases I have found that the style of ‘San’ tends to be used for the title as it is big and bold and san serif is used for the text which makes up the paragraphs. Looking at this magazine I’m not sure whether to use both styles of text as this has shown me that san serif can look bold and stand out as well as san does.

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