Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis of Q double page spread

On the above…
This article is based on Lady Gaga. The colour scheme used is mainly practically all black and white with one big letter in red. I have found that in almost every magazine I analysed they have had a white background with black written, before I started looking at them I was expecting bright colours everywhere, e.g. background and all the text, but, through the process of looking at them and finding out the main colour schemes used I think it would be silly to have bright coloured written for all the text as it would be un-readable.  So going back to this double page spread I would expect to see some more colours because I think having everything black and white makes it seem as though the artist whom this page is on is old and not around in the music business anymore, when in fact lady gaga is in the peak of her career. When creating my magazine I will go for a white background with black written but I will have bright colours dotted around the page, which will grab the reader’s attention from the whole page.
This double page spread is dominated by one mid-close image up of Lady Gaga. This is the only image on the whole page itself and I kind of like it but don’t at the same time. The thing I like is the fact that as there only is one image it makes the reader focus on that image and the text only as there is nothing eye catching on the page. What I don’t like is I think it looks boring and in my opinion I would want to read this because there is nothing interesting on the page, if they had some images of her performing live and recording new songs it would appeal to me a lot more but this just seems boring in my opinion. I think you can guess that when I come to create my page like this I will go with more than one image purely because it makes things look interesting and is better to look at. Or even if I don’t go with more than image I will have some bright colours dotted around the screen to catch the readers eye.
In every magazine I have looked at they have had large drop down letters at the very start of the first paragraph and maybe one more later on or sometimes not. In this case though, they have decided to put one in half way through the text and another later on. I think this looks wrong and doesn’t fit in, in my opinion. i can only think they have put them there us because it is lady gaga this is about and she isn’t normal and likes to stand out and maybe they have added this little effect in to do so. Usually the title of a page in a magazine is in the style of ‘San’ which makes it bold and stands out a lot but this time they have decided to use the ‘San Serif’ style which is just used for the actual story in most cases. Again I think this makes the page look boring and doesn’t appeal to me. It seems strange because usually Lady gaga likes to stand out from a group and to have a ‘scrawny’ title it seems she can’t do this. I will go for to two different styles in my magazine. Also the font which they have used looks like the average Word font and again doesn’t stand out or look appealing.
Also, double page spreads which are about famous people tend to have a quote by them in the centre of the text, but this one does, again this makes it look boring. But, having said all of this and the above about her always wanting to stand out, by going the complete opposite to what you usually see in a magazine makes her stand out, but in a boring, bland way which not many people know Lady Gaga by.

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