Tuesday 13 March 2012

Front cover, Contents and double page spread drawings

This is my front cover draft which, I have chose to go with a close up image of the artists face as I think this looks the most effective and I prefer having an image dominated cover rather than more text. The artists facial expressions will probably be him looking quite angry and arrogant because thats what i want him to be portrayed as. I have also chosen to go with the colour scheme red and black as I think red stands out the best. I also chose to make a box behind the magazine name which is also red because of what I said before. I have put a banner at the top of the page saying how good the magazine is because it will put some confidence in the target audiences mind about buiying it. All of the text which is going on the cover is going to be in capitals to show its importance except little words like "and" may just be in small letters, also the important words are going to be in a bigger size than other words.
In the top right corner I have added an ear in about an exclusive nine page interview with The Gorillaz.
This is my contents page draft. I chose to go with the blocky style and also quite image dominated. I though that going with the blocky look it makes things easier to to read, looks more attractive and makes it easier to find a certain artice which you may be looking for. I have put a large banner accross the top of the page with the magazine name, issue number and the title of the page which is 'contents'. I have kept to the same colour scheme of red and black because I want to have it running through the whole thing as it makes it look like every page is part of the magazine whereas if i had different colours on each page it would seem so good. I have kept all the main headlines to the page black, page numbers red and a discription of what the article is about in red just so it doesn's look hard to read and work out what is on what page. At the bottom of the I have a review box which I noticed when doing my research, it was on every Q contents page so i thought I would put one in seeing asthough Q magazine is my style model.
This is my double page draft. I have chose to go with a long shot for the photo on this page as i think it will vary things because i have a close up on the front cover, a mixture on the contents so i thought i might go with a long shot. i was thinking about going with a close up because you tend to get quite alot of DPS with them on. Again i have stuck to the colour scheme because because of the reason in the paragraph above. I have put a quote from the artist on the left side of the page with the photo and also in the middle of the article just to break the large amount of reading up. I have made the title of the page and the name of the artist so big just so it catches the readers eye and adds abit more colour to the page and looks that little bit more appealing to look at.

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