Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis of NME contents page

On the above…
The style of this page is very different to the ones I have just annotated as this one is jam packed with information where the other ones have either had many images on or just nowhere near as much information as this one. On the other ones I have been saying how you can’t just look at one picture or story as the others all catch your eye, but, in this case there is so much information you don’t actually know where to start, this may seem like a silly comment but the fact at how small the written is, nothing really catches your eye as to where to start except from the only image in the centre of the page. This may seem like a bad idea in your head but looking at the style of this magazine it fits and looks cool. When it comes to making my contents I will have to think about the style /genre of my magazine and that will depend on what i want my contents to look like.
Again the colour scheme of this magazine is red, white and black. I think these seem to be frequently used colours because of how different they are in terms of contrast because you can have any of them colours for the background and you’ll be able to see the writing on top if you use one of the other colours. The background colour they have chosen to go with and it’s the one I may end up going with is white, but they have varied the colour of the text up on both sides as on the left side the text is red with black page numbers and on the right it’s the opposite. On the right hand side they have separated it up by having a block of black with white written to show different parts of the magazine and also to separate out the amount of text on that side of the paper. I think I may go for a three colour, colour scheme for my contents as I think this works the best but at the moment I’m not quite sure what colours I will use.
Throughout the page they have used ‘San’ text style which where the letters are all straight up and can be made very bold, so they have no fancy flicks on the end which is ‘San Serif’ most magazines tend to have the title in san and the rest of the text in san serif but not in this one, I think this is again representing the coolness of this magazine as they don’t want to have a text style in which the letters have curls on the end as that looks girly and I don’t think would appeal very much to the audience which this magazine is targeting.
Also on this page it has an advertisement for how you can subscribe to this magazine, usually in magazines you don’t see this on the contents it will just be a random page in the magazine which will catch you out. I will not be having an advert for subscription on my contents as I think I don’t think I will have enough space for that as well as the other information I will be putting on, if I was going for a double paged contents I would more than likely have it on there.

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