Wednesday 28 March 2012

Feedback Analysis

After creating my first draft for my magazine I had lots of mixed opinions on the whole product. For my front cover many people were complementing on the image as they said it catches their eyes because of the seriousness expressions which I got the model to do, also when I analysed magazine covers I found out that mainly for Q magazines they had a large close up of the artists face and they were staring into the lense of the camera, this is most effective for the front cover so I tried to replicate it. The criticism which is got for making the image this big was it covered up the text on the front cover so on the final product I am going to have to get the balance right between how much text I cover. I was also told the model in which I picked was good because he is very photogenic so it doesn’t look like he is afraid of the camera. A couple of people commented on the size and placing of my barcode, and where is the price, so I made the barcode smaller, moved it down the page slightly and added in the price just above it.

For my contents page I had only a few positives and many negatives, when I first made it I thought it looked very good and was happy with it but now that I have been pointed out things which don’t look so good on it, I have realised what is wrong with it and I don’t think it looks very good at all, a couple of people said that they didn’t like the layout of it. I have started changing the layout, as I have added in an extra photo and made them all slightly smaller as people said only having two images didn’t look very good, I was originally going to have three images but I decided just to have two in this first draft to see what people thought, they as you can tell they didn’t like it so I will go back to having three images. Also I have changed the text size so I can fit more stories in so it looks more like a magazine as it will have more stories in so it will be worth the money. One person also said that all the titles need to be the same as in either small caps of capitals, so I changed them all into capitals.

For the double page spread I had a lot of compliments saying about how professional it looked because of the layout, also a lot of people liked the quotations. Because of the research which I carried out I found out that they have a quotation somewhere on the page then they have one in the middle of the article as I catches your eye and gives you a break from reading all the text. I also wanted to have drop capitals at the start of the article but I forgot about that and a few people realised that and so I will add them in for the final product. I had mixed feedback for the image on the spread as some people thought it fitted the title very well which is also what I thought, but then one a couple of people pointed out that the image looks like it should be on the front cover so I am going to have a look at some of the other photos which I took and see which one looks better.

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