Monday 12 March 2012

Audience research results

This graph shows whos how many male and females I gave this questionnair to. As you can see 50% of the people I asked were male and 50% female.

This graph shows how old the people were that I asked. 50% of them were between the age of 16-25. 25% of them were between 26-50 years of age and 12% we above 51 and that is the same as under 16 years of age.

This graph shows that 40% of the poeple I asked mainly liked rap music, 10% liked rock, 25% we fans of indie which is the same as alternative types of music.

This graph shows that I found 50% of the people i asked minly read magazines because they found the images attractive and eyecatching, 15% read magazines because of the colour whereas 35% were mainly intereste in the story plugs.

This graph is showing that 40% of the poeple I asked read Q magazine which is also the case for other types of magaiznes which I did not ask. the other 20% of poeple i asked either read NME or Mojo.

This graph shows that 75% of the people who I gave this questionnair too read a music magazine monthly and the other 25% chose to read one every two weeks.

This graph shows that 90% of the poeple I asked would buy a music magaizne if you were to get a free gift whereas only 10% were not bothered about free gifts.

This graph shows that 60% of the people i asked would only paye between 1-£2 for a music magazine, 30% said they would pay between 2-£3 where as only 10% said they would pay between 3-£4 and nobody said they would pay £4 or more.

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