Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis of NME double page spread

On the above…
This double page spread is dominated by a mid-shot of the vaccines which takes up two thirds of the page and only allowing 2 columns of writing instead of the original three columns which most magazines tend to go for. In the shot they have got all the band to stare straight on into the camera. A lot of the time you only have the band/artist making eye contact with the audience is on the front cover to grab their attention, most of the time you have a chilled out image on the double page spread where the band are not looking at the camera as they have already managed to grab the audiences attention. This band looks like they want to look like they are from the 90’s so they have old clothing on and old school haircuts. Also the background colour looks like it has been stained with tea to emphasize that they don’t want to be resembled as a new band.
They have went for a grey background behind white text. Every magazine has done this, either going with a grey background or white with black text, this is because these two colours create the biggest contrast which makes it the easiest it will ever be without making the text huge. They have also went with streaks of blue throughout the page which catches the readers eye and doesn’t allow it to properly settle. They have went with the first letter of the first two paragraphs a lot bolder and bigger than the rest of the text but also making them blue to show the start of a new paragraph.
They have went with a serif text style for the title which most magazines do as it stands out off the page and looks better than if you had san serif text. San serif text style is used in most magazines for the actual text throughout the page as it looks neat and gives a joint up handwriting effect and is easy to read as it makes it look like the text is flowing. I will most likely do this as it gives a nice effect as I it is both eye catching and easy to read.
The layout of this magazine is pretty standard apart from the fact that they have used two thirds of the page for the image and only managed to fit in two columns of writing, I have not decided on the amount of columns I will be having and also how much of the page my image will be taking up. They have also went with a quote from a band member in the middle of the text, this is to catch the readers eye and also gives them a rest from reading all the small texted article. I will go with this idea as I like the fact that it catches your eye and you can read it before you start reading the article as it will give you an insight but you can then read it during the article to break up all the text and it gives you a so called rest from reading.

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