Tuesday 20 March 2012

First Draft

This is my first draft front cover. At the time when i first made it I thought it was fairly decent. Looking back on it now though, I have a basic idea of what I was wanting to do but it has so much white space and nothing seems to look like it is in place. For example, the artists name at the bottom of the page, the magazine is based on this artist but the text is the same size as most of the other text on the page and the colour which I picked doesn't allow you to be able to see it properly, so it doesn't stand out like it should. Also I have covered all the stories with the main image and it doesn't look big enough to catch your eye. The ear at the top of the page has the basis of what it is ment to be like but the ring around it is way to big and thick and doesnt stand out because of the white background inside the ring. Overall though I think this draft made a decent base to go on and edit it to make it look more professional and more like a real magazine.

From this contents page draft to the real thing i did not make that much change like I did with the front cover. One problem with this is that I made the text for the stories inside too big so I couldn't fit anymore stories on, and in what magazine do you only see five stories in. Where the title of the page is, is a style which I tried to replicate from Q magazine because i think it makes the page look brighter and more attractive. The page numbers on the smaller image looks quite silly aswell because it takes up a quarter of the photo. The reviews bit at the bottom of the page is an idea which I got from Q magazine, it fills up what would have been white space with something different rather than just more stories or an image.
This is my double page spread draft. Overall when  first completed it I was fairly pleased with the outsome because i think it looks fairly professional and I think the image goes very well with the title of the page. One slight problem is that you can't read the quote on the left hand side of the page very well because of the colour text I have used, so on the final cuts I changed that so you can read it clearly, also I had to move it over to the left because it was in the fold line so when it would have been put together you wouldn't have been able to read it all. Also the fonts on the top left hand side of the page are all different sizes which makes them look like they have just been put there and left without any sort or re-adjustment to see if they can looks better in any other way. Also i have kept the same colour scheme running all the way through so it looks professional and looks like all the page are from the same magazine.

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