Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis of Q double page spread

On the above…
This double page spread is image dominated as the right hand side of the page only has an image of the artist (Cheryl Cole), that isn’t the only image on the spread as on the left had side there is an image which takes up about a quarter of the page. The main image has just a plain white background which is also the same background as the other page, whereas the other image has a background of a dark city with just lights on, on this photo she is tipping her hat towards the camera which creates a shadow over her eyes, even though they’re not visible you still think they are making eye contact when you look. This is a powerful image as the shadows follow you around the page making sure you focus on everything. I like this idea of having these two different styles of images as one is focusing on the camera and one isn’t. these images make the page seem more interesting and attractive on the eye as it doesn’t allow you to get bored of it. When making my double page spread I am yet to decide how many images I am going to have on it, looking at this one though I may go for having two images on as of the effect it has, I will not go for anything more than two though as it will be un-attractive to look at.
Again with a Q magazine they only have three colours on the page which are black, white and red. As with every other Q magazine I have seen they have went with the big red letter in the middle of the page, this is very eye catching and I think it looks good, but, at times it makes the text hard to read and makes you squint more than you already have to. Q is unique in the fact at how the only colour they have is the big letter in the middle of the page, as most other magazine have to have splashes of bright colours dotted around the page to keep the reader interested and attractive whereas Q  only have the coloured letter. Another thing which I have noticed when analysing Q magazines they always seem to go with a black and white image. When analysing the Lady Gaga spread I didn’t agree with having a black and white as nothing on that page seemed interesting. But in this one the whole image seems black n white but they have chosen to make her lipstick coloured which makes you focus towards her face which many people find attractive. When taking my photos I’m not sure at the minute whether or not I’m going to have a black and white image as I have mixed opinions on it.
They have chosen to go with the artists name as the title of this page which is very much like all of their spreads whereas other magazines tend to title the page with something else. Also they have went with san serif text style for the both the title and the main story whereas normally you have the title in serif style as it gives a more bold, standout effect and san serif usually just used for the main story as it makes the text look hand written, joined up and makes it flow more which makes it easier to read. I will probably go with what most magazines do and have a main title and not just the artists name and also make it in serif text style so it stands out more and again have san serif text for the article.

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