Sunday 11 March 2012

On the above…

This double page spread is about ‘Lilly Allen’. This spread is dominated by a large mid-shot of the artist and also a quote by her. The quote says “people think I am an attention seeker but I’m just are calling her an attention seeker by the way she is presenting herself, for example, it looks like she is wearing a man’s shirt which is too big for her, she has it buttoned three quarters of the way up and has a sovereign hanging out of it. This is not the Lilly Allen people know, she used to be a quiet singer but looking at her now, she has changed, and this is why people have this opinion on her. The way in which she has done her hair and eye shadow also draws attention to her by it being so dark and gothic. This is why people may have changed their opinion on her. The way in which the photo has been taken seems to me like she is looking around for attention. All of these things are making you think about the quote she has on the opposing page. When she say “I’m just honest” she draws attention to herself by doing things either to hurt or intimidate other people and the sovereign which she has on represents like she is trying to go for a rough, bad girl, who thinks she can say what she wants. On my double page spread I will have a quote on it but not as big as this one, as in this case it seems like the quote it titling the page.

The colour scheme which has been used involves three colours, black, white and an orangey/red, that orangey red colour is the colour of the shirt she is wearing so they have kept that colour running through the page as otherwise it would have looked silly having a few random words in a colour which isn’t even linked with anything on the page. There are only a few words in the orangey colour, which are ‘Lily Allen’ and who this page is edited by. This is because it catches the reader’s eye and in case they didn’t know who this woman was as they’re not used to seeing Lily Allen portrayed this way. Also the producer/editors name is in this colour so it also catches the reader’s eye and people will know who it is by and be able to spread an opinion about this persons work. Again the main background colour where the written is, is white with black written. This is the most common colour of background and written because it creates the biggest contrast which makes it the easiest it will ever be to read.

The way in which the page has been set out is the complete opposite to other magazines I have looked at, this is by having the image on the right hand side and the text on the left whereas it is normally the opposite, again this is representing her in a bad way, a person who just wants to get more attention, that is why the page is set out that way. I am not sure how my page is going to be set out yet, but I do want to have a larger image taking up one half or more of the page and also a quote from the person, but I think I will go for three columns of written unlike this one, but that really depends on the type of image I have on there and how it looks.

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