Sunday 4 March 2012

Analysis of Q contents page

On the above…
Q has a double page spread for contents whereas most magazines only have one A4 side for it. This is because of how image based it is, it seems like it’s going to have a story on it as when you first look at it, it has one side dominated by a large image, in this case Cheryl Cole and has very little text which is what an actual double page spread is like. In all of the Q magazines I have looked at they have done this, I think it is so they make sure the reader know that this person/band is the main focus in this edition of the magazine. The way which the creators of this magazine have laid it out is very clever as they have used the double page to good effect in not just it allowing many images to be used but also they have alternated the page numbers from one side of one page to the other on the other side. This makes the reader scan across the page when looking for another page number to follow on from the left, so makes him see everything which will be inside and if they have not bought it already this should encourage them to do so.
As in the above I have talked about the images. This page will catch the readers eye because of all the colours the pictures bring, also the page is very attractive to look at. But, by having all these images on the page it doesn’t allow you to focus in on just one, you have to look at them all and it makes you want to read on into the full story of all of them. I really like the idea of having lost of images on the page without it looking un-neat and like they have all just been thrown on anywhere, but, unfortunately my contents will not be able to have the amount of images this one has in as I’m doing mine on A4 paper so it will look silly not having many words on the page when really that’s what contents pages are all about, slightly introducing you to  story and leaving it  at a sort of a cliff hanger so you want to read on and find out.
The colour scheme used on this page is red, white and black. A white background, with black written and two paragraphs in red. The red is mainly used for underlining the title of a story. This red catches your eye as it has a great contrast with the white background. This also doesn’t let your eyes settle on just one thing as there are lines of red all over the page. This is like the images in the fact there is so many of them they don’t let your eyes settle on just one thing. I like this idea so I may use it when creating my page as I like the fact of your eyes never been able to rest.

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