Tuesday 28 February 2012

On the above…
There is a colour scheme involving four colours to make this cover, these are blue, red, white and black. There is also a change in font size and boldness. To create this cover they have put the most important words/names in a large bold font which is bigger than the rest of the words around it. For example, ‘U2’, ‘OASIS’ and ‘THE STONE ROSES’. These are the most important things in the magazine after Lilly Allen herself. This catches the audiences eye so it they. These words are also in black as it creates a stand out colour contrast because it is basically a white background with the black written, this does make the written stand out a lot but the sheer boldness of the text itself makes it stand out the most. The colour red has been used in two different ways on this cover, as it has been used for the word ‘exclusive’, this word has been put in red because this is something exclusive which you will not see anywhere else except in this magazine. The other words in red have been used to represent the other side of her. The word ‘wicked’ is in red, and when I think of the colour red I think of blood, and the panthers on the front can cause a bloody scene. This is showing she has a bad side to her and she can cause a stir up in the music industry. I will use this idea when creating my magazine as it separates the importance out of the things on the cover and gives a nice effect.
The layout of this cover is something what I liked because it lets the image dominate the whole page as it only has the person’s name over the image and the rest of the things like the inside stories are tucked away in the top right corner and more inside stuff is as the bottom of the page. Also there are many layers used in this as the image is behind the artists name, but the actual name of the magazine is used in a layer below the main image as her arm goes over part of the logo. One of the panthers on the front then covers one of her feet. I like this idea so when making mine I am going to see what it looks like having the main image covering parts of the title to see what it looks like. I also noticed that one of the panthers is covering the Lilly Allen text, this is showing that they are more aggressive and get/want more attention than Lilly herself.
The main image is a long shot of her with her back to the camera and tilting her head and making eye contact with the camera. The way in which she is positioned in this shot is showing a cheeky, arrogant side to her. This shot goes with the quote which is in the double page spread. It looks like she doesn’t want this shot taken of her, so she makes them get her attention and she looks over her shoulder like she doesn’t have to do this but if she wants the attention which she always seems to be want she will have to have her photo taken. When taking my photo I think I am just going to go for a mid-close up as I think it catches the audiences eye more.

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