Tuesday 28 February 2012

Analysis of NME cover

On the above…
The cover is image dominated as it has a mid-shot of the three men who make up ‘magnetic man’. This is an original type of shot that you’d expect to see on the cover of a magazine as it is mid-shot, but, in this shot it’s the sunglasses in which they are all wearing. This is unusual to see on the cover of a magazine as the creators of magazines tend to make the eyes an important part of it as they draw the reader in. But, seen as though they have sunglasses on, the creator of the magazine must have been thinking whether it would have the same effect because when you think of them having sunglasses on in your head you wouldn’t think it would work. Surprisingly though I think it does as even though the sunglasses are covering their eyes, you still know they are looking into your eyes trying to draw you in. This also gives them an attitude like the last one I analysed as they are breaking the rules kind of and wearing sunglasses where really the eyes are meant to be showing. When it comes to taking my photos I will think about this, as I think it gives a different kind of effect to what having their eyes on show.
The creator of this magazine has deliberately chosen to go with this layout, where he has bunched all the information up into two different parts of the page, this is so he can create the main source of attention and focus towards the main image of ‘magnetic man’. This layout is the same as the other ‘NME’ cover I annotated in where all the stories inside are bunched up in a column on the side of the page but this time instead of having it in the bottom left he has went with it being in the middle but the other bit of information is in the same place in the top left. I think is because when looking at the magazine you look at both bits of information, but between looking at both you will glance at the main image and see the eyes looking at you but in this case you’ll see some black sunglasses looking your way.
The fonts and boldness of the writing shows how important each thing is on this cover, as the most important text and the stuff they want most noticed is in a big, black bold font which catches the audiences eye immediately. The positioning of the men on the photo are placed in front of the actual name of the magazine, I think this is showing that they think they are bigger and more important than the magazine itself. The colours used on this cover are, grey, black and white. This is representing the seriousness of both the men on the front and the actual magazine. This is showing they do not mess around by putting bright childish colours on as this magazine is aimed at one type of people and that only, so they don’t care if other people don’t like it as long as their target audience does.

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