Tuesday 28 February 2012

Analysis of Mojo contents page

On the above…
The layout of this page is the first thing which strikes you when you turn onto the page; it’s not what you would expect to see in every magazine contents. What I mean by this is that, it has its own unique style, this is through having what looks like a receipt running through the middle of the page which is the actual bit in which you get told what is where in the magazine. I like this magazine because of its uniqueness; I have never seen any other contents like this as they are usually more formal than this. When making my contents I will have a try at making my contents like this and see what it looks like. Also the placement of the pictures is a key thing because they have four pictures on the right hand side, they go in a pattern of colour then a black and white one. If they had decided to put the two coloured ones at the top of the page and the others at the bottom this would not have the same effect because when you see the coloured image it draws your attention to the black and white one above which then has the same effect on your attention been taking towards the coloured one above. All these little things have helped make this content as effective as it is and when creating mine I will have to have the same mind set. They also have added in the title of the magazine at the top of the page in the exact same way as it is presented on the cover, e.g. same font and size. On some magazine contents they tend have the title of ‘contents’ at the top of the page, this looks silly in my opinion as everyone will know it’s the contents, so on mine I will have the title of the magazine on this page.
The type of writing used is ‘san’ and ‘san serif’. San means there are no fancy flicks at the end of the writing. This is made for the title in most cases including this one, this is because it is big, bold and stands out more than ‘san serif’ writing, it has more of a convincing look about it because of its boldness, I think this it shows that they are not messing around and if you want fancy flicks on your title you’ll have to go somewhere else. San serif writing is used for the actual text which is not meant to be standing out, for example, the little bits of text under the main story titles. When making my magazine I will go with this type of text as this is how it is meant to be.
The colours used mainly on this page are, black, white and red. There is an image of what looks like a magazine cover for a story in the magazine, this has the colours red, white and black on, so it looks like they have stuck to the colour scheme from that. Having the black text is the best colour to have on top of a white background as it is the most obvious contrast in colours which makes it easy to spot things and to read. I will most likely go with this style when it comes to making mine.

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