Wednesday 1 February 2012

Conventions of school magazines

 Bishopbriggs front
On the cover of this magazine, they have put a large photo of their badge. This is a good Idea as it catches your attention the most out of everything on it. I will think about using this idea as you instantly know what school this magazine is from.

Throughout the magazine they have used the colour blue for all their titles which is a main colour involved in the schools badge. I will do this as it makes the overall product more professional as you haven’t just used random colours; you’ve stuck to a colour scheme.

On the Bishopbriggs front cover they have put two images of students skiing and also one of the school team. These are two completely different types of sports, this is showing that the academy offers a range of different sports from one extreme to the other and gives students every opportunity to try something different. The footballing image is a long shot whereas the skiing photo is a mid shot. This is to show all the people in the school team the chances that they get to be In the team as there are 16 playersI may choose to use this on my magazine as it shows to people who look at the magazine all of the opportunities that come your way if you went to that school.

George Stevenson contents
In the George Stevenson contents page and also throughout the magazine they have placed the page numbers at the top left and right corners of the page. This is a unique part of the page to place the numbers as they are normally at the bottom of the page because you read from the top to the bottom. I will not be using this design because I think having them at the top makes them look a bit odd and out of place so I will have them at the bottom as I feel they look better there.

On the front cover they have used a background colour of green. At the top of the page the green is a strong one but as you get towards the bottom of the page they have faded it out to white which they carry on throughout the rest of the magazine (white background). I like the fact that they have used that same colour throughout the rest of the pages but considering the colour is white it makes the magazine look boring and un-finished. I will go with the idea of using the same background colour throughout but I will not use the colour white because of the reasons I have said above.

On the contents page they have split it up into different sections depending on what genre it comes into. For example they have a section on ‘sport’ and ‘entertainment’. I think this is a good idea as it can save you time when looking for one thing that you want to read. I will take this idea into consideration when making my magazines as I like it but I may also chose my own idea.

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