Friday 27 April 2012

The original photos which I used for the final cuts

This is the main image in which I used on my conetents. The only bit of editing I done was on Adobe In-design, Where I cut out either side of my model, so the image fitted on the page and inline with the others. I could have just used it like it was and made the whole image smaller but it looked stupid as you couldn't really see the main focus, which was the model as he was too small so you couldn't get the full effect of the pose he was doing which shows his personallity.
This is my front cover image. Again not much editing had to be done with this one. This time I used Adobe Photoshop because In-Design cannot do what I wanted. I had to cut around the whole image because I wanted my models face to cover the name of the magazine but not the stories on the front. When I then put the image on my front cover I had to make it bigger so it filled up most of the page because when doing my research I found that, having a large image of the artists head was most common and effective so I tried to replicate the idea and I was happy with how it came out overll.
This image was originally going to be used for my front over but the above image looked more effective and fitted with the artists personallity more, so it went on my contents page instead. I was just fiddling round with my contents page and needed an a small image so I decided to cut the everything out on In-Design except the artists glasses. I thought it looked unique so I kept it there. Again not much editing was done to this image.
This is my double page spread image and no editing went into this, I only made it bigger on the page so it looked better. This image was going to be on the contents page originally but i tried it on the double page spread and I liked it so I kept it. I like this image because he is throwing the stone without a care in the world and he doesn't really mind what it hits or where it goes, so I think it goes with how he is portrayed and fits in with the whole magazine. Origianally I wasn't going to use this image for this as I had another image which really looked good on the page but I thought I would go with this one as it is something abit different.

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